Identifying which Meridians and which Chakras are blocked, resulting in ailments, disease or emotional unrest is an important step when one is striving to heal themselves.
Below you will find:
Ailments Associated With Blocked or Stalled Meridians
Ailments Associated With Blocked or Stalled Chakras
Ways To Maintain, Clear and Activate Your Meridians and Chakras
Blocked Meridians
Think of Meridians as energy highways, carrying the neurons, sensory neurites and electronic impulses throughout our body. The impulses from our brain, our heart and lungs as well as biological process including our neurolymphatic system, our nervous system and our muscular system (just to name a few) are all governed by electrical impulses that carry communication messages between our brains, hearts and body parts. You see a cup on the counter. Your brain fires a neurological electronic impulse that tells your body that you want to pick up the cup. Your nervous system then fires and gets your muscular system in action, extending your arm, opening your hand and then clasping the cup, enabling you to pick it up. We use our meridian pathways every day, for everything without even realizing it.
When Meridians are blocked the energy cannot freely flow through your body. Transmissions and their resulting action, are delayed while your brain and body try to find a new connection for communication.
When your Meridian flow is reduced or obstructed the Meridian alarm points go off inside your body. Alarm points are set locations that when triggered, are tender sensitive spots along that particular Meridian segment. They feel like "lactic acid" build up in a muscle. Alarm points signify that there is an issue along that segment of the Meridian. If the alarm points are not turned off and the Meridian segment remains blocked, it will result in physical ailments developing along that Meridian segment. Eventually over time, those physical ailments will then turn into degeneration and disease. If left unchecked the ailments can become chronic diseases with all sorts of secondary complications.
Maintaining our Meridians is paramount to maintaining good overall physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you can maintain a good energy flow through the Meridians, you can address ailments as they arise before they become diseases.
Blocked or Stalled or Overactive Chakras
When our Chakra energy centers in our body become blocked, stalled or overactive, they literally do not "spin" properly. The Meridians are the energy highways, but the Chakras are your energy centers that the Meridians run through to recharge their energy flow. When a Chakra becomes under active, meaning it is turning extremely slowly or not at all, the energy flow is severely impacted. They may become over active, meaning they are spinning at a high rate of speed causing the person a lot of distress, agitation and upset.
When the Chakras are clear and aligned; and the Meridians are active, running in the right direction and have clear energy flow, the body is in a place where it can heal itself.
So which Chakras and Meridians govern the healing of various ailments?
Which Ailments Are Caused By Blocked Meridians?
Which Meridians can help to heal my ailments you ask?
All of them, depending on what the ailment is, how blocked the Meridians are and how active the body’s energy flow is. Each Meridian is associated with relieving symptoms from different conditions associated with muscles, organs or biological systems linked to that segment of that specific Meridian. As you have already learned, Meridians segments run through your body carrying the energy your body needs, uses and discards for healing and maintaining itself.
Here are lists of ailments and their associated Meridian. If you find an ailment on this list, you would want to work on that specific Meridian. You would work on activating it, stimulating the energy flow through the blocked area and then balance the associated Meridian to relieve the symptoms and/or the ailment itself.
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Stomach Meridian

Acid Indigestion
Acid Reflux
Bags Under the Eyes
Bloating and Gas
Digestion Issues
Lip and Mouth Sores
Neck Pain
Nervous Tension
Ovary Issues
Sore Throat
Stomach Aches
Stomach Ulcers
Tender Breasts
Weight Problems
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Spleen Meridian

Anything To Do With The Blood
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Edema (swelling)
Fertility / Pregnancy Issues
Immunodeficiency Issues
Lymph Nodes
Varicose Veins
Weakness (General Weakness Overall)
Weight Issues
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Heart Meridian

Bleeding Gums
Blood Pressure (High or Low)
Blood Chest Pains
Circulation Issues
Heart Issues
Sleep Issues
Swollen Glands
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Small Intestine Meridian

Abdominal Issues or Pain
Beer Bellies
Knee Pain
Shoulder Pain
Tinnitus / Ear Problems
Weakness In The Legs
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Bladder Meridian

Ankle Pain
Ankle Weakness
Back Pain (General Overall)
Calf Pain
Elbow Issues
Fallen Arches / Flat Feet
Headaches (Mainly At The Front Of The Head)
Joint Pain
Nervous System Issues
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Kidney Meridian

Bone Weakness
Bone Pain
Lower Back Pain
Ear Issues / Ear Aches
Infertility / Impotence
Swollen Ankles
Tooth / Gum Issues
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Pericardium (Circulation - Sex) Meridian

Prostrate Issues
Sacrum Issues
Sexual Issues
Sore Breasts or Nipples
Sore Buttocks
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Triple Warmer Meridian

Adrenal Exhaustion or Burn Out
Hormonal Issues
Mood Swings
Temperate Issues (Too Hot / Too Cold)
Weight Issues
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Liver Meridian

Blurry Vision
Eye Infections
Eye Diseases
Fungal Diseases
Low Sperm Count
Toenail Problems (Thick/Yellow)
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Gallbladder Meridian

Bitter Taste In The Mouth
High Blood Pressure
Hip Pain or Hip Issues
Jaw Pain or TMJ
Leg Pain (Mostly Side Of Legs)
Migraine Headaches
One-sided Issues Including Headaches
Teeth Grinding
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Lung Meridian

Chest Infections
Respiratory Issues
Shortness Of Breath
Skin Issues
Ailments of a Blocked or Stalled Large Intestine Meridian

Colic Pain
Colonic Issues
Hip Problems
Mineral Deficiency
Nose Issues
Which Ailments Are Caused By Blocked Chakras?

Chakra clearing is super important not only to ensure the energy is running up from the earth, grounding you and straight out your head; but also to ensure there are no energy blocks that could result in physical ailments if left untreated.
Aligning, clearing and connecting all of your chakras is important. Working on just one chakra isn't really addressing the entire chakra misalignment. Sometimes when you only work on one chakra (ie: the Root) what it does is it throws the others out of balance due to the renewed energy in your Root chakra and nowhere else.
When having a "Chakra Clearing" or any type of healing work, please ensure that the practitioner is clearing ALL of your Chakras and not just one or two. When time is limited, clearing one or two in a "quickie" clearing will result in more harm than if you used the same limited time to apply energy clearing/ healing to all the chakras. Giving each Chakra 1 min each is better than giving one Chakra 7 mins and leaving the rest. Working on all the Chakras allows for the energy to flow, it allows for any new formed blocks to clear and ensures a clear connection to your higher self and the divine.
Signs Your Root Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Root Chakra is out of alignment:
Immune System issues
Blood or Circulation issues
Skeletal Structure and Bone issues
Coccygeal Nerve Plexus
Leg, Feet and Rectum Issues
Varicose Veins
Prostate Problems
Rectal and Large Intestine Problems & Tumors
Hip, Leg and Feet Issues
Frequent Illnesses
Immune Related Disorders
Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Sacral Chakra is out of alignment:
Lack Consciousness (material, financial, relations)
Expressing and Sharing Creativity and Passion
Issues with Sexuality, Reproduction and Childbirth
Guilt or Shame
Blame or Judgment
Need for Power and Control over Others
Addiction Issues
Spleen problems
Sexual Organ issues
Liver, Upper Intestines, Kidneys, Gallbladder, Adrenal Glands, Pancreas Ailments or Issues
Middle Spine, Lower Back Pain
OBGYN issues, Fibroids, Uterine Cysts, Impotence, Pelvic Pain, Libido and Urinary Problems
Signs Your Solar Plexus Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of alignment:
Insecurities and Personal Power issues
Stress, Fear, Self-Esteem, Personality and Ego issues
Inability to Listen to and Trust Your Own Instinct / Intuition
Liver, Middle Spine, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Colon, Spleen, Small Intestine, Stomach and Digestive System
Colon Disease
Digestive Imbalances
Intestinal Tumors
Eating Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Muscle Spasms and Disorders
Adrenal Fatigue
Signs Your Heart Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Heart Chakra is out of alignment:
Heart and Circulatory System Issues
Blood, Lungs, Rib Cage, Diaphragm, Thymus, Breasts, Esophagus, Shoulders, Arms and Hands Ailments
Heart Disease
Breast and Lung Cancer
Lung Disease, Asthma, Fluid in the lungs
Shoulder, Arm and Hand Issues (Carpal Tunnel)
Immune Disorder
Signs Your Throat Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Throat Chakra is out of alignment:
Attitude Issues
Confidence and Self Expression, Communication
Fears of Being Judged and Controlled by Others
Throat, Teeth, Gums, Thyroid, Trachea, Neck Vertebrae, Esophagus, Parathyroid and Hypothalamus issues
Throat Cancer
Swollen Glands, Problems with Teeth and Gums
Laryngitis, Chronic Sore Throat, Thyroid Issues
Joint Problems
Issues with Addictions
Signs Your 3rd Eye Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Third Eye Chakra is out of alignment:
Brain, Neurological System, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Pituitary & Pineal Glands
Brain Tumors
Neurological Disturbances
Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
Deafness and Ear Aches
Seizures, Alzheimer's, Mental Illness and Personality Disorders
Sleep Issues
Signs Your Crown Chakra is Out of Balance
If you are experiencing any of these issues, your Crown Chakra is out of alignment:
Stagnant or Resistant to Change
Denial of our Spirituality
Inability to Trust Life
Inability to Reach Acceptance
Regulates Overall Health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)
Sensitivity to Light and Noise
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Parkinson's Disease
Paralysis or Dizziness
Dissociated States, Panic Disorders
Nervous system Issues
So as you can see, our energy systems (Meridians and Chakras) play an important role in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well being.
Keeping these energy systems clear and moving in the right direction is key to maintain your overall health.
Steps to Keeping Your Meridians and Chakras Cleared, Aligned and Active:
1. Donna Eden's Daily Meridian Energy Routine
2. Taichi Qigong To Maintain A :Positive Energy Flow Through Chakras and Meridians
3. Chakra Clearing Meditation - If done at bedtime, keeps your Chakras clear, flowing and connected as you drift off to sleep
4. Other healing options include Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Meridian Tapping, Meridian Tracing, Access Consciousness - Access Bars, Yoga, Meditation... to name a few. Any healing modality where you are able to connect to, clear and move blocked energy is a wonderful modality to try. Any activity that is healthy and healing, raising your joyfulness and your vibration is perfect to try as well.
Hopefully this blog gives you a little more information to help you on your healing journey. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at www.harmony-hands.net or via email at laur66@telus.net
As always, thanks for listening. Sending you love and light.
Laurie Fulford, PMP
Owner, Harmony Hands Energy Healing
Terrace, BC