Crystals, Gems, Minerals, Rocks, Stones, Aggregate, Fossils... whatever you call them, they are powerful elements from Mother Earth herself! In my Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher certification course I share with my students information about toxic crystals, their safe handling, safe uses and how to protect yourself when using toxic crystals. This blog today will be just a brief overview of the toxic crystals with which you should always use caution.
Crystals are used in healing, energy alignment, promoting abundance, for clearing, cleansing, protection and purification, and so much more! They have similar elemental properties as our own bodies; as well as similar vibrations as various components that make up our physical bodies (organs, bones, muscles, biological systems, neurites, neurons, etc.).
Crystals are used a lot in healing, due to their unique vibrations that match our own systems. Some crystals are programmable, and can be used to direct energies to a certain point/place.
Some people use crystals in water elixirs (be careful with that). While others put them under their pillow to reap their benefits as they sleep. Some wear them around their necks on their skin (be careful which crystals you choose to do this with) Others place crystals around and throughout their home to raise the positive vibration, clear and cleanse. Some put crystals in all four corners of their home for ongoing protection and purification. I have heard of people putting crystals under their floor boards and in their walls of their house to ensure protection and good vibrations. Crystals have a multitude of uses!
When considering working with crystals, it is not as easy as "pick a pretty rock and off you go". You will want to think about what are you using the crystals for? Will you be handling the crystals for a short time, a long time? What is the toxicity level of the crystal you are using? Using a crystal as a display or in a Reiki crystal grid is a completely different level of exposure than if you were to wear that crystals, or put it in an elixir and drink the water. NOTE: Under no circumstances should you ever use crystals on the "Cautionary Crystal List" in water elixirs, nor should you put them in your mouth for any reason.
Understanding which crystal properties are harmful, and which ones are not, will help you discern how best to handle the crystals. It will also help you in determining how best to use those crystals.
Crystals have different crystalline structures, and thus their toxicity levels vary with the different crystalline structures even if the toxin is the same as in other crystals. What I mean by that, is if you have a very porous crystal, there will be more points of exposure. If you have a very flaky crystal (like a shale or kyanite) the flakes that come off increase your exposure. If you have a rough natural crystal you will have a higher toxicity level than if you have a tumbled, polished, sealed one. If you have a crystal that erodes with use (desert rose, kyanite, sand stone, etc.) the natural wearing down process leaves the crystal residue behind, releasing toxins with every use. Some elements and metals increase in toxicity with use, such as mercury, releasing more and more mercury with every use.
Some crystals are artificially dyed or radiated, and can emit radioactive energies that could prove harmful. Some crystals emit gases that you need to be aware of such as radon.
Crystals are amazing and when handled correctly, and safely, they can provide an abundance of healing, protective and cleansing energies. So do not be afraid of using crystals, be aware - be knowledgeable - be informed!!
When in Doubt:
There are a lot of different web sites with lots of information on the toxicity of crystals. I would recommend that before you decide to use a crystal on your person google it for the most updated toxicity information on it (especially if it is touching your skin or you are using it in an elixir). Be informed!
I would also recommend, when you are purchasing crystals if you are not sure of their toxicity level, ALWAYS choose a crystal that has been tumbled and highly polished as any toxicity would be sealed and less likely to leach out during handling.
Laur's Cautionary Crystal List

NOTE: Always wash your hands with cold water (keeps your pores closed) after handling any of these crystals. Never ingest, inhale or consume elixirs made from any of these crystals
Actinolite – May contain asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs
Adamite – Contains arsenic and some copper
Ajoite – Contains aluminum and copper
Alexandrite – Contains aluminum
Amazonite – Contains copper
Amber - Contains toxic dust, fumes, possibly trapped bacteria or virii, possible ingestive toxicity
Angelite - Contains Lead and Sulphur
Anthophyllite - asbestos
Aquamarine – Contains aluminum
Aragonite - sometimes contains lead
Atacamite – Contains copper
Auricalcite – Contains zinc and copper
Azurite – Contains copper
Beryl Group – These crystals contain aluminum
Black Tourmaline – Contains aluminum
Boji-stones (aka Moqui Balls,Shaman Stone, Shamanic Star Stone) – Contains some sulphur, Pyrite and/or marcasite
Bronchantite – Contains copper
Cavansite – Contains copper
Celestite – Contains strontium and aluminum
Chalcantite – Contains copper
Chalcopyrite (peacock stone) – Contains copper and sulphur
Chrysocolla – Contains copper
Chrysoprase - Contains nickel
Cinnabar – Contains mercury (VERY TOXIC)
Conicalcite – Contians copper
Copper – Poisonous
Covellite – Contains copper and sulphur
Crocidolite - Contains asbestos
Cuprite – Contains copper
Dioptase – Contains copper
Dumortierite – Contains aluminum
Emerald – Contains aluminum
Feldspar - Contains aluminum
Fluorite – Contains fluorine, source of dangerous gas hydrofluoride
Garnet (Spessartine, Almandine, Uvarovite,
Rhodolite,Hessonite) – Contains aluminum
Gem Silica – Contains copper
Galena – Contains lead
Garnierite (aka Falcondoite) – Contains nickel
Hematite – Will rust (high iron), but not toxic
Howlite - boron, boron oxide, borate
Iolite – Contains aluminum
Jade (Jadeite) - Contains aluminum, iron
Jade (Nephrite) - Contains aluminum, iron, titanium
Kambaba Jasper - Contains cyanobacteria and possible cyanotoxins
Kansas Pop Rocks - may contain sulphur
Kunzite – Contains aluminum
Labradorite – Contains aluminum
Lapis Lazuli – Contains pyrite, copper and sulphur
Lepidolite – Contains aluminum
Magnetite – Will rust, but not toxic
Malachite – Contains copper
Markasite – Contains sulphur
Mohawkite – Contains copper and Arsenic
Moldavite – Contains aluminum oxide
Moonstone – Contains aluminum
Morganite – Contains aluminum
Ocean Jasper - Contains iron
Opal - Contains toxic dust for inhalation (pipes)
Pietersite – The fibrous form contains asbestos
Prehnite – Contains aluminum
Psiomelan – Contains barium
Pyrite – Contains sulphur (when mixed with water makes sulphuric acid)
Quartz (all types) - Contains toxic dust for inhalation (pipes)
Realgar – Contains sulphur and arsenic
Rhodocrosite (Rhodochrosite) - Contains lead
Rose Quartz - Contains iron / titanium
Ruby – Contains aluminum
Sapphire – Contains aluminum
Selenite – Although not toxic, friable; tiny shards may break off in water
Serpentine – Fibrous form contains asbestos
Smithsonite – May contain copper
Sodalite – Contains aluminum
Spinel – Contains aluminum
Spodumene (aka Kunzite) – Contains aluminum
Staurolite – Contains aluminum
Stibnite – Contains lead and antimony
Stilbite – Contains aluminum
Sugilite – Contains aluminum
Sulfur – Poisonous
Sunstone – Contains aluminum
Tanzanite –Gem variety of Zoisite. – Contains aluminum
Tiger Eye – Fibrous form contains asbestos (Very Toxic)
Topaz – Contains aluminum
Torbenite – Radioactive
Tourmaline – Contains aluminum
Tremolite – May contain asbestos
Turquoise – Contains copper and aluminum
Unakite - Contains aluminum and iron
Vanadinite – Contains vanadium
Variscite – Contains aluminum
Vesuvianite – Contains aluminum
Wavellite – Contains aluminum
Wulfenite – Contains lead and molybdenum
Zircon – Contains zirconium, radioactive
Zoisite – Contains aluminum

Radioactivity Concerns
Some forms of granite emit radon from the decay of Uranium. This is low risk.
Radioactive Gems. Artificially irradiated crystals, gems or stones may be radioactive. Try to steer clear of the following:
Very deeply pigmented topaz
Artificially dark (almost black) smokey quartz – not Morion Quartz
Pink or red tourmaline
Deeply colored crystals
Colored Diamonds
Treated Kunzite
Cultured Pearls
Well there you have it! My ongoing list of crystals I recommend all my students to be cautious when handling. Do not be afraid of your crystals' toxicity, just learn how best to handle them.
For more information on crystals and their healing properties visit www.harmony-hands.net then click on the "Crystals" tab.
Want even more? Sign up for my next Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher Certification training (Reiki Level 1 is a prerequisite) and learn about crystalline structures, safe handling processes, how to best select crystals that will work with you, how to cleanse your crystals, how to charge your crystals, how to use & activate crystal grids, how to program your crystals and soooo much more!! You can check out all the training on https://www.harmony-hands.net/rei
Thanks for listening... Namaste
Laurie Fulford, PMP
Owner Harmony Hands Energy Healing
FB: @HarmonyHandsEnergyHealing
Email: laur66@telus.net