, pub-5115477069270740, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5115477069270740, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SALE - Awaken Your Energetic Superpowers | Harmony Hands
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This offering of the Awaken Your Energetic Superpowers Book is a reduced rate for participants in the Awaken Your Potential Training and Coaching Program.


A great book for energetic self-discovery and healing.


Would you like to be able to connect to the energy within you and align with the energy around you, for enhancing all areas of your life including health, wealth, happiness and connection?  This is a guidebook meant for those just awakening to the understanding, that we are more than just flesh, bones and blood; but rather, we are energy beings.


Within this book you will explore techniques and tools for awakening, aligning, healing, and growing.  You will learn what the energy centers, pathways and layers are, and how to identify and heal imbalances within them. You will explore numerous ways to ground your energy and activate empathic protection; as well as how to cleanse your spirit, your space and connect your heart-mind to your authentic path and purpose. You will learn about angels and guides, and how to connect to them by using your intuition for daily guidance and support. You will explore how to manifest the changes you want to see in your life, including happiness, optimum health and financial abundance. We review options for daily tools you can use including a daily practice; energy decision and food testing; emotional freedom tapping techniques for managing upset; working with crystals safely and effectively and creating and activating crystal grids to use throughout your world.  There is so much more to explore in this book than can be listed here.

SALE - Awaken Your Energetic Superpowers

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